Announcing “No B.S. Business Basics Workshop”

Are you tired of working hard and not getting the results you want in your business? Stop the spinning – it is time to get down to Business Basics. Information about the No B.S. Business Basics Workshop starting September 18th 2023.
Action is Key for Business Success

A person of action is someone who takes initiative and makes things happen. They have a strong sense of purpose and are driven towards achieving their goals. They take risks, make decisions, and take action, even when the outcome is uncertain. They understand that life is full of challenges, and they are willing to face them head-on. Being a Person of Action means actively engaging the courage needed to step out of your comfort zone to reach your goals and make an impact in the world around you. This comes from developing the habit of taking Bold, Imperfect Actions even when you would rather do anything else. Action is the key to developing your experience of self-confidence, faith in yourself, and trusting your intuition.
Begin with Clarity for Your Business Goals
Check it out! I was a guest on The Double Your Sales Now podcast in December. I had the great fortune to be a guest on the Double Your Sales Now podcast with my Coach and mentor, Ursula Mentges. Ursula shares the most effective ways to grow your business, and she loves to bring in […]
Thriving in the Time of Covid 19
I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Candi Broffle for Green Tea Conversations and Natural Awakenings Magazine-MN. We discuss what this time of reprieve and reflection is bringing to me, to my business and energy of service. Here is the link to the interview: Show Notes In this interview with Nea Clare, she […]