Action is Key for Business Success

Woman outside talking on the phone. She is smiling and looking at the camera.

A person of action is someone who takes initiative and makes things happen. They have a strong sense of purpose and are driven towards achieving their goals. They take risks, make decisions, and take action, even when the outcome is uncertain. They understand that life is full of challenges, and they are willing to face them head-on. Being a Person of Action means actively engaging the courage needed to step out of your comfort zone to reach your goals and make an impact in the world around you. This comes from developing the habit of taking Bold, Imperfect Actions even when you would rather do anything else. Action is the key to developing your experience of self-confidence, faith in yourself, and trusting your intuition.

Let It Go or Lean Into It

…it feels that no matter how much I am letting something go, there is still a part of it that rises up – like the weeds that poke up around my flowers. I am always pulling, pruning and clearing to get everything back to how it should be.

That is a lot of energy. I wonder how much energy I have spent letting things go over my lifetime. Over and over again, trying to get things in my life to how they ‘should be’.

Make It Actionable

The single biggest lesson I learned was the art of making things actionable. Getting things to an actionable state, means taking a task and reducing it to the next available action. We don’t even realize how much time we spend trying to accomplish a task, only to find that we can’t figure out where to start or how to navigate what feels murky and undefined.