Connecting with Spirit – Be Open to Inspiration
“When you become uncomfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.” ~Eckhart Tolle Spring is an amazing time for me. Every day I see the progress of nature as it wakes up. Life is emerging all around us, as the flowers begin to peek up through the soil, the blades of grass green […]
Surrender yourself
You are greater than your mind can hold in its imagination. Your mind is an inherently limited system which is incapable of imagining greatness without smallness, completion without flaws, freedom without prison, good without bad, peace without disturbance, joy without dispair. God is all of this and more. You were breathed into being from God […]
Message from The HAO 3.26.2020
Channeled 2.26.2020 As channeled by Nea Clare- Channel of Divine Wisdom Greetings, beloved children of Earth. Greetings, sisters, brothers, we awaken with you. With every breath we are coming closer together in harmony. You may be noticing that you feel more at ease. In spite of what is happening around you. All of the chaos, […]
Own Your Holiday Experience
The holidays are filled with lots of merriment, fun and well,…expectations. It can be a real challenge to stay positive and optimistic when there are so many people we are trying to please. For the last several years, I have found that taking a few specific actions really help me find and create a beautiful […]