Willing To Be Transformed

“Transformation literally means going beyond your form.” Dr. Wayne Dyer To speak of the last 4 months as crazy would be the understatement of the Century!   We are experiencing a complete upending of what we have come to know and understand and experience as “normal”.  This is a time that feels very unsettled, unbalanced and […]

Personal Reflection: Being on the Leading Edge

Enjoy this time of personal reflection.  It is a time to pause, breathe and pay attention to where you may notice alignment with or resistance to the information shared below.   Inviting in the practice of personal reflection will deepen your confidence in what you know for sure for you…or better said, you will have greater […]

Own Your Holiday Experience

The holidays are filled with lots of merriment, fun and well,…expectations.  It can be a real challenge to stay positive and optimistic when there are so many people we are trying to please.  For the last several years, I have found that taking a few specific actions really help me find and create a beautiful […]

How Did I Get Here?

I have enjoyed life a lot more by saying YES than by saying no.  ~Richard Branson The journey to living a life of Divine connection really began in 2011. Following the birth of my son, I was struggling with neck and back pain and decided to book an appointment with a chiropractor. The practice I […]

5 Truths to Help You At Your Edge

Here you are, standing on the edge… again.   You are looking over to gauge how far the drop will be, attempting to measure just how bad the damage will be if you fall to your demise.  If you could only know…will you fall or will you fly?  There is only one way to know, […]