What Are You Giving Your T.E.A. To?

a womans hands holding a cup of tea with lemon and a cinnamon stick.

The Morning Spill Picture this: It’s 8 AM, and you’ve just poured yourself the perfect cup of tea (or coffee, if that’s your thing). You’re feeling optimistic, ready to conquer the day. But before you’ve even taken a sip, your phone buzzes—a work email, a text about soccer practice, and a reminder about that subscription […]

“Discover the Power of Business for Enhancing Your Spiritual Practices and Personal Growth”

woman on a beach- eyes closed with hands in prayer position near face.

This article explores how business activities can serve as a powerful structure for developing and honing spiritual practices and personal growth. It delves into the benefits of integrating mindfulness, managing thoughts, maintaining focus, surrendering to the process, and visioning within a business context. Practical steps for applying these practices in daily life and work are provided, along with reflection questions to engage the readers in personal introspection.

The Power of Daydreams

Daydreaming is a powerful tool – to answer questions, gain insghts and open your percieving of you and the world.

Hitting an Upper Limit

“Who the hell do you think you are?” came booming into my head, as I sat quietly trying to meditate on my hotel bed. And just as quickly, just as booming… deep, resonant laughter. Startled by the unexpected interruption, I then heard…

Let It Go or Lean Into It

…it feels that no matter how much I am letting something go, there is still a part of it that rises up – like the weeds that poke up around my flowers. I am always pulling, pruning and clearing to get everything back to how it should be.

That is a lot of energy. I wonder how much energy I have spent letting things go over my lifetime. Over and over again, trying to get things in my life to how they ‘should be’.

You Are Always Supported

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, is being willing to believe that we are always being supported. Even when it seems like everything is going against us and even when it feels like nothing is working out – it is often just our moment of feeling shaky in our trust and faith we are going to be okay. And I think this is where the adage, “Hindsight is always 20/20” must come from. In the moment we are blind, unable to see what is unfolding for us, and we are feeling limited by our expectations of what we think should be happening. We cannot possibly see it all.

Connecting with Spirit – Be Open to Inspiration

“When you become uncomfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.”  ~Eckhart Tolle Spring is an amazing time for me.  Every day I see the progress of nature as it wakes up.  Life is emerging all around us, as the flowers begin to peek up through the soil, the blades of grass green […]

Begin with Clarity for Your Business Goals

Check it out! I was a guest on The Double Your Sales Now podcast in December. I had the great fortune to be a guest on the Double Your Sales Now podcast with my Coach and mentor, Ursula Mentges. Ursula shares the most effective ways to grow your business, and she loves to bring in […]

Dancing at the Edge

“Fixed mindset worries in the nest and the growth mindset dances on the edge.” ― Amit Ray, Mindfulness Living in the Moment – Living in the Breath Today I heard the words, “You are dancing at the edge of knowing.” spoken softly in my . And I immediately saw myself twirling around and around, and then suddenly […]

Finding the Sacred in All Things

The sacred is not in heaven or far away. It is all around us, and small human rituals can connect us to its presence. And of course, the greatest challenge (and gift) is to see the sacred in each other. ~Alma Luz Villanueva The Sacred can be found in all things, in all areas of […]