A Channeled Message 8.4.2022
“A Collective Quaking” Channeling The HAO Collective through Nea Clare On Thursday afternoon, August 4, 2022 around 3pm CST, I was overcome by a feeling of deep grief and unease. Up until that point my day had been lovely and very productive, and that feeling just came out of nowhere. After a bit, I decided […]
The HAO Transmission 6.15.20
Ah, beautiful bright and beloved souls We are with you today. We are breathing with you. We are connecting and integrating Our vibration with your consciousness. Beautiful bright, beloved human beings! We are The HOW we work with you harmonically aligning your consciousness into the vibration of oneness – into the vibration of unlimited/ limitless […]
Message from The HAO 3.26.2020
Channeled 2.26.2020 As channeled by Nea Clare- Channel of Divine Wisdom Greetings, beloved children of Earth. Greetings, sisters, brothers, we awaken with you. With every breath we are coming closer together in harmony. You may be noticing that you feel more at ease. In spite of what is happening around you. All of the chaos, […]
Message from The HAO 3.24.2020
Message from The HAO 3.24.2020 as Channeled by Nea Clare Greetings beloveds. We are coming to you today, with great love and joy in our energy field to support you in your heart space and in your cognition. We are helping you to release to and move through all of this, energetic clutter. The fear, […]