Choosing Joy: A Framework for Intentional Holiday Happiness

Discover the transformative power of intentional choices and mindful celebration in the holiday season through this insightful blog post. Delve into the personal journey of navigating grief, expectations, and joyful experiences during the holidays. Learn how a coaching-inspired tool—TRYING ON/SETTING ASIDE/DOUBLING DOWN—became a beacon for crafting intentional, family-focused, and purposeful holiday moments. Embrace mindful decision-making, emotional wellness practices, and family-centric celebrations while shedding light on coping mechanisms for grief during the festivities. Explore how to create meaningful, joyful experiences while nurturing a holiday mindset that aligns with your values and vision.
Join Me At the Edge
Come To The Edge Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It’s too HIGH! COME TO THE EDGE! And they came And he pushed And they flew. ~Christopher Logue The other day I was with a friend and one interrupted us, asking what exactly “at the Edge” means. It reminded me […]
The Power of Daydreams
Daydreaming is a powerful tool – to answer questions, gain insghts and open your percieving of you and the world.
Action Might Be the Key You Need
Sometimes we just need to get unstuck, and action is the key. Even the smallest of actions puts us closer to what we desire.
Begin with Clarity for Your Business Goals
Check it out! I was a guest on The Double Your Sales Now podcast in December. I had the great fortune to be a guest on the Double Your Sales Now podcast with my Coach and mentor, Ursula Mentges. Ursula shares the most effective ways to grow your business, and she loves to bring in […]
Dancing at the Edge
“Fixed mindset worries in the nest and the growth mindset dances on the edge.” ― Amit Ray, Mindfulness Living in the Moment – Living in the Breath Today I heard the words, “You are dancing at the edge of knowing.” spoken softly in my . And I immediately saw myself twirling around and around, and then suddenly […]
Willing To Be Transformed
“Transformation literally means going beyond your form.” Dr. Wayne Dyer To speak of the last 4 months as crazy would be the understatement of the Century! We are experiencing a complete upending of what we have come to know and understand and experience as “normal”. This is a time that feels very unsettled, unbalanced and […]
Thriving in the Time of Covid 19
I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Candi Broffle for Green Tea Conversations and Natural Awakenings Magazine-MN. We discuss what this time of reprieve and reflection is bringing to me, to my business and energy of service. Here is the link to the interview: Show Notes In this interview with Nea Clare, she […]