The Power of Daydreams

“I have dreamed something entirely pretend with my eyes wide open. The sweet wonder of it makes me smile. I believe in the emotions implanted by dreams, for they are not pretend, and they will never cease to bloom.”

― Richelle E. Goodrich, Author, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Where does your mind wander?

I watch my 3-year old play and I am astounded by her ability to create fun and interest in the most ordinary things. She can get excited over a piece of torn paper, that I would have just picked up and thrown away.  To her, it becomes a treasure or a part of his ever-unfolding understanding of the world he lives in.  She looks up at me with delight and a bit of a wicked grin and says in a deep whisper, “A clue!” 

Today, I decided to let my mind wander for a while, without specific direction or purpose – just to see where I might be led.  It was harder than I thought it would be, but I stuck with it.  I stuck with it through every distracting thought about what time it was or whether I would remember to put stain remover on a sweater.  These are the thoughts that take up the space in my mind.  Then there was the mental jog into worrying about getting a report completed for work – when would I find the time.  My anxiety over just taking any time to sit and be quiet was mounting….

And then, just as I was ready to give up, I relaxed.   I took some deep, cleansing breaths and eased into the lull and ease that comes when I am void of thoughts, worries, and obligations.

I went on a journey today.  I was shown clues that reminded me of my heart, my passion, and my YES!.  There I was floating in an ocean of light, enveloped completely in eternal love and feeling completely connected to everyone and everything.

It was beautiful.  

It still is beautiful.  

Daydreaming is more than a childhood fancy, it provides those unmistakable clues that lead us back to what we really know about who we are and what we are here to do.

What about you?

  • When is the last time you sat quietly and let your mind wander?
  • When is the last time you laid in the grass and watched the clouds form shapes and tell you stories?
  • When is the last time you sat in the magic of your own unfolding story?

Today, I invite you to take this time to experience the magic of you.

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