Let’s Talk About Channeling

Have you ever wanted to know about Channeling? Nea Clare shares her experience in being a channel and how it has forever changed her life.

A Channeled Message 8.4.2022

“A Collective Quaking” Channeling The HAO Collective through Nea Clare On Thursday afternoon, August 4, 2022 around 3pm CST, I was overcome by a feeling of deep grief and unease. Up until that point my day had been lovely and very productive, and that feeling just came out of nowhere. After a bit, I decided […]

Are You Ready to Work with a Coach? 5 Signs That You Might Be!

Are you ready to work with a coach? If so, congratulations! Coaching is an amazing way to create change and growth in your life. But before you dive in, it’s important to make sure that you are ready for the journey. In this blog post, we will explore five signs that show you are ready […]

Oh, the Stories You Tell Yourself.

What are the stories that you tell yourself? The ones that keep you from taking action, or the ones that make you feel uncertain? We all have them, and often we don’t even realize it. While some are based on truth, many are fictions we’ve created based on our experiences, and the stories we have been told from our families, schools, and society. These ideas float around in our subconscious and shape our emotional and mental responses to change, desire and action.

You Can Do It!

Let’s get real. Changing a behavior can be challenging! Learn the 4 steps to creating lasting change in your life, and achieving your goals. You CAN do it!

Join Me At the Edge

Come To The Edge Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It’s too HIGH! COME TO THE EDGE! And they came And he pushed And they flew. ~Christopher Logue The other day I was with a friend and one interrupted us, asking what exactly “at the Edge” means.  It reminded me […]

The Power of Daydreams

Daydreaming is a powerful tool – to answer questions, gain insghts and open your percieving of you and the world.

Hitting an Upper Limit

“Who the hell do you think you are?” came booming into my head, as I sat quietly trying to meditate on my hotel bed. And just as quickly, just as booming… deep, resonant laughter. Startled by the unexpected interruption, I then heard…

Let It Go or Lean Into It

…it feels that no matter how much I am letting something go, there is still a part of it that rises up – like the weeds that poke up around my flowers. I am always pulling, pruning and clearing to get everything back to how it should be.

That is a lot of energy. I wonder how much energy I have spent letting things go over my lifetime. Over and over again, trying to get things in my life to how they ‘should be’.

Make It Actionable

The single biggest lesson I learned was the art of making things actionable. Getting things to an actionable state, means taking a task and reducing it to the next available action. We don’t even realize how much time we spend trying to accomplish a task, only to find that we can’t figure out where to start or how to navigate what feels murky and undefined.